Bangkok…Take II

Hanoi –> Bangkok

2015-10-06 14.43.15 (1)

First flight we had taken since we had arrived in Malaysia 3 months before!! Pretty nuts how far we had travelled without flying…Thanks Lloyd for putting up with my irrational fear of flying!

Lloyd being a little scrimpy saver, we opted for the metro into Bangkok Central before hailing a tuk-tuk to take us to our next hotel!

Rambuttri Village Inn & Plaza – 6/10

2015-10-07 00.03.16Ok hotel but huge, good central location right next to Khoa San road, rooftop pool but most importantly we were here to meet our Swedish buddies, Fanny and Oliver!! Yippeeeee

Some seriously biblical rain that evening so stuck close to the hotel chatting and listening to the music blaring at the VW camper van come cocktail bar…2015-10-08 01.34.03some random girl who looked like a china doll kept trying to talk to us and completely ignored her friend, pretty annoying! She left after a while to go ‘clubbing’, before running back soaking, make up all down her face desperately searching for her purse! Gutted for her!

2015-10-06 23.21.43

2015-10-06 14.40.34Went for an incredible breakfast at this amazing pastry place where I had about 4 chocolatines before heading for a gift shopping expedition and the obligatory eating of a fried scorpion! Norms! Quick freezing cold dip in the rooftop pool before it started raining again…the joys of visiting Thailand during the wet season!

2015-10-06 20.45.112015-10-06 21.01.17

Off to our favourite Bangkok restaurant, Peeps! The owners remembered us from the last time we were there and we had a great time eating, drinking, playing dominoes and coming up with hilarious taglines for our polaroid picture ‘we love it in the peeps’, which is now hanging proudly on the Peeps wall!!

2015-10-06 21.31.09 Next stop, Good Story, a quirky bar with AMAZING live music, then back to the VW Bar for more drinkies before getting a taxi to Soi Cowboy!! Excited to see our first (Lloyd’s 2nd) ping pong show…turns out they are not so fun!!

2015-10-07 01.07.52Found ‘Fanny’s’ and had some pics..obvs! Hilarious at first and then the more we stayed there the more we found it pretty grim! Very young girls being man handled (literally) by aging dudes! 2015-10-05 23.44.22The music was pretty good and I was shimmying my shoulders before some strippers tried to get me on stage…in retrospect, I kind of wish I had!! Back to the less seedy khoa san road for some kebabs and a big mac before the boys had another jug of beer!


2015-10-07 16.20.04We were all pretty jaded the next morning and so had a late wake up, another delicious pastry extravaganza before jumping on the water taxi over the river to go to the Siriraj medical museum to see an embalmed serial killer! Pretty weird idea but seemed good at the time…unfortunately, there were loads of dead babies in jars too…I probably would not recommend this to many people. Definitely needed a drink after that experience…after finding an amazing dress in a vintage shop we drank some super cheap beers and played shit head and Kabu (thanks Chris the German) into the night. 2015-10-08 01.33.31Thankfully, this managed to erase the pretty horrifying scenes of the day. After a few hours we headed for supper and then back to the VW bar which was now our local, where Fanny and I left the boys to have a street foot massage! Divine! More drinking and general silliness before heading to the hotel to have Lloyd serenade us all with his travel guitar.  Off to bed for the last time in Asia. Sad times…2015-10-08 01.00.02

Time to say goodbye to our buddies…’we always have Stockholm’ See you there!

Next stop…Dubai!


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